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Saturday, January 06, 2007

'Graphs I'll probably never see again :(

I sent these 2 to Annie Potts and still waiting to hear back.
Designing Women Toy Story
I sent these 2 to Gilbert Gotfried, but doubt I'll ever hear back.
AladdinReturn of Jafar
I sent this to Julian Ovenden, but not sure his signing habits. He might've gave it to Nathan Lane to sign. If so, I doubt I'll ever receive it back.
I sent this to Cindy Williams. I hope she didn't throw it away. I never heard of her being a bad signer.
Laverne & Shirley
I sent this to Kevin Kline at a play, but believe it got lost in the mail or thrown away.
Huncback of Notre DameHuncback of Notre Dame II


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